
Born Inferior

An over 18 girl. I was born with a pussy, that means I am born inferior to men. I believe in the Patriarchy and despise feminists and the metoo movement. Girls are born to serve, breed and follow. I am also a spic which means i am even more inferior. Raceplay welcome here. We are not smart and need men to guide us and train us. I appreciate cocks but don't need to be sent pictures of them thank you.

Imagine a semi-fictitious country in southeast asia…..ruled by a military dictatorship, corruption is everywhere, and certain practices are very much tolerated.....Our narrator, Jimmy, picks up the story.....

There was certainly always money to be made during the civil war.  running guns for both sides, not to mention the drug trade, made fortunes overnight.  I was lucky to get in early, being stationed here by our State Department as an "observer" and using my connections.   I was playing both sides to begin with, but as the rebels began to win, I gladly became a full time supporter. When they finally entered the capital and overthrew the democratically elected government (though lets face it, wasn't doing anyone any good anyway), I was up country in the bush, still doing business, which I knew was about to dry up, or at least drop off quite substantially.  I began looking around at other business opportunities. 

I was invited to the capital as a distinguished guest, as a thank you for all the help I had provided.  They gave me a nice house, a compound really, as a gift, and asked if I would be willing to work for the junta and travel around the country as a representative, basically to help keep an eye on the villages and people who hadn't accepted the new order of things.  I accepted, knowing there would be plenty of opportunities on the side to pad my wallet.   I quietly quit my job with the State, and became a citizen of my new home.  I would answer to no one but the junta and I planned on keeping on their good side.

I did the tourist bit for a while, going around the capital, seeing the sights.  It was a large, crowded, dirty, vibrant place, full of wonderful food and smells (well not all the smells were good to be honest) and the people were amazing, friendly and inviting, glad to see a white foreigner who could speak the language and appreciate what they had to offer.

The former government had closed many businesses as being bad for the morality of the country. Nightclubs, bars and  the sex industry; brothels, prostitution, and private clubs, that had all been banned, were now allowed to open again.  I walked into one of these clubs one sultry summer evening.  A place called KandyKanes.  It was run by a man named Fat Tony.  It was a large club, actually a former prison, that had been quickly changed into a place of drinking, gambling and sex.  Dripping with neon lights, horrible disco music, cheap liquor and cheaper whores, it was a perfect place for men to indulge in their favorite past times.   Tony and I soon became acquainted.  He complained to me about the lack of good whores in his country, he needed more and was willing to pay.  He casually mentioned he didn't care whether they volunteered to be there or not.  I didn't think much of it but tucked it away in the back of my brain.  I met his business partner, a beautiful Thai girl who called herself Mistress Vo.  She was quite the stunner, usually dressed in latex or leather.  She was in charge of the girls who worked for Tony.  She also said she needed more girls, as more foreigners would be arriving soon to get in good with the new junta and that would mean more business. She needed more holes to sell she said with a laugh.  I could tell she was one bitch you didn't want to mess with.  I told them both I was heading back up country in the next few days and would keep an eye out for anything.  Maybe there was an opportunity to pick up a few dollars on the side.  The country was crawling with beautiful girls, and she was right.  The country was going to be swarming with foreigners, mainly from the west, looking to get rich.  I was definately in the right place at the right time

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